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Privacy policy

When you visit our site and/or fill out a form to contact the Masterix, you may be required to be made on the collection of personal data. Our site cares for, and treats you with all the accuracy that is required by law to all of the personal data of our users.

We are the Masterix, and it is hereby declared to be going in this privacy policy, all of which provides that the General Law of Data Protection (LGPD) – (Federal Law no. 13.709.2018), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the New York Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (the NY SHIELD), and other applicable laws on data protection.

For ease of understanding, each and every time it is mentioned, “Masterix”, “we”, “us” or “our” we are referring to the portal by Masterix. On the other hand, when it is being used as a “user”, “you”, “your”, “customer” or “your” we are referring to the owner of the data they collect.

With the aim to make it easier to understand our privacy policy, below is an abstract of the key information.

Handling agent: Masterix
The nature of the data being processed: They are the personal data provided by the user to be able to contact the Masterix; and the Data that is collected automatically from the device that you use for the use of the platform and the Masterix.
Paper handling Predominantly the controller of the personal data that you have collected.
For purposes such as Controller, Facilitate the contact between us and you, the user, as well as the best experience of browsing through the platform of the Masterix to Use your personal information to contact users, to provide the products and services to you; For advertising, send the information, products, services, discounts, coupons, offers, promotions, invitations, greetings, and events.
Legal basis: based on the consent of the data subject.
To store the reports in access to, comply with all requirements, legal or tax breaks, among other legal obligations.
Legal basis: on the basis of the fulfillment of the obligation, legal
Share The Masterix is not sharing their data we collect to any third party without the consent of the data subject. The sharing of this data occurs with the operators and service providers.
Data protection They are the technical measures built in to ensure the safety and security of the data that has been collected.
Your rights The user may at any time, upon formal application, to access, rectify, withdraw consent, anonymization, portability, etc. the information inherent in the data collected.

Overcoming this summary, we hope that this privacy policy will help you to: (i) to understand the reasons why we are collecting your personal data; (ii) an understanding of when these data are to be shared; and (iii) to get to know and understand your rights, options and power to select.

The Masterix, we are committed to always be transparent in order to indicate the purpose of the processing of your personal data and, above all, to respect and to protect your consent and your privacy.

1 - Who is covered by the Privacy Policy of the site to Masterix

Essa política de privacidade é aplicável a todos os que acessam o site e/ou utilizarem o formulário de contato, seja por meio de smartphone, tablet, notebook, computador ou dispositivos semelhantes, independente de se tornarem pacientes ou não.

2 – What kind of data do we collect, and the purpose of the data processing

During your navigation on the platform, the Masterix some of the data that can be collected. In this experiment collected data, in several ways, for a variety of purposes, all of which are detailed below.

2.1 - Personal Details

- The name of the user;

- E-mail address;

- Phone.

The purpose of the treatment: the data are collected in order to enable the response to the user that you have used our platform to get in touch via the form, as well as to facilitate the execution of the contracted services, correct identification of the user, to get in touch, send gifts, etc.

2.2 – Use of our platform.

- Interactions with the Platform;

- The date and time for the submission of information;

- Demographic information;

- The information of a URL;

- Cookie data;

- Technical data;

- The type and the features of the device;

- The kind of connection to the computer network;

- Language;

- Navigator;

- The operating system.

The purpose of the treatment: we may Collect and store such data, so you have to track the use of the platform, it can also be used to refer to the person responsible, in accordance with the Civil rights Framework for the Internet, and any other legislation that could lead to any obligations.

3 – With whom we may share the collected data

In order to realize all of the services, as set out in this Policy, the Privacy, does not require the data that is collected by us will be shared on a couple of occasions, with the staff and/or partners and/or contractors.

3.1 - Employees, service providers and affiliates

To ensure that our services can be carried out with the utmost effort, we will need the support of all our employees in the various industries that treat the personal data that we collect. In addition to this, when you perform any action on the site, and, when necessary, will it be shared with co-workers and/or service providers and our affiliated companies, to the carrying out of the service, scheduling, and other services.

3.2 – Judicial Authorities, governmental and/or law enforcement officials

The Masterix you must conduct a collaborative ahead of the authorities of our country and to comply with legal or regulatory requirements which will fit into, providing you with the personal data of the users of the platform available to its notifying authorities in the event of a court order, or a request by the administrative authorities.

3.3 – Operator of the marketing and remarketing with google analytics

The data of the user is collected with the use of the platform, you will be able to be dealt with in the operations of the marketing and re-marketing on the Masterix, or for a third party hired for this purpose.

3.4 – Potential buyers

In the case of a transaction and/or changes in the company, we may share your personal data with third parties, it is this negotiation of all or part of the Masterix.

3.5 - Other

We may also share the data collected in other ways, as long as this mode is to pass through the new consent from the user to ensure suitability.

4 – Security and storage of collected personal data

We are committed to keeping all personal information that we collect from our users is stored in a secure manner. This store is a national following on all of the current law, which deals with the subject matter.

In addition to this, the Masterix seeking to adopt, and will always keep you updated on the technical protection of personal information that we collect through our platform, to prevent the accesses are not permitted, loss, fraud, embezzlement, etc., or any form of inappropriate handling of your data.

However, there is no other platform that's 100% safe, thus, we cannot completely guarantee the security and privacy of all data collected. If you have any suspicion or concern for your data is at risk, you can contact us through our customer service channels to get support from us.

The personal information that we collect will be retained for as long as the user is active in a large number of customers. After that phase, we will be able to keep all of your data that are provided for the period necessary, in accordance with the legislation currently in force, to conduct audits, comply with legal requirements, regulations, etc.

5 - Policy of Cookies and other tracking technology

We use technologies, such as Cookies, Pixels, Analytics, Web Beacons, and other similar things on the platform, to enhance, facilitate, and/or to adapt the platform to your needs, and also for the interests of each user.

5.1 - About the use of Cookies

We are of the [Masterix], we want you to customize your experience on our site. For this reason, we collect your browsing habits and other information in order to improve your experience with us. We do this through the use of cookies on your device.

5.1.1 - What are "Cookies"?

They are small text files that are downloaded on to your device from our users in order to customize and improve your experience on the platform. In addition, these cookies serves to analyze traffic, and lets you know whether the user has navigated through the sites. This technology gives us access to the device of the user, or the collection of information the user has chosen not to inform, it is collected only to what you have chosen on the report.

5.2 - What types of Cookies do we use?

5.2.1 – Absolutely necessary:

Cookies that are strictly necessary, as the name implies, they are essential to the operation of the site, and therefore cannot be turned off in our system. It is common for these cookies to be set up as a response to the actions that correspond to the request for the service. You can use your browser settings to block them, but it does mean that some parts of the site will not function correctly.

Name Provider Model Category Expires in
__cfduid the third Strictly necessary 2 years ago

5.2.2 – Targeting / Advertising

We or our service providers, marketing and advertising, we may store these cookies. The usefulness of these is to examine the preferences of a user and the advertising according to your interests, to deny that these cookies will mean you receive less targeted advertising, that is, it is not taken into account your interests.

Name Provider Model Category Expires in
IDE The third Targeting / Advertising 1 year
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE The third Targeting / Advertising 6 months
test_cookie The third Targeting / Advertising Expiry
YSC The third Targeting / Advertising Session
_gat_gtag_*** [] propriétário Targeting / Advertising Expiry
CONSENT The third Targeting / Advertising 16

5.2.3 - Performance

These cookies enable us to count the visits on the site, such as this, we obtain the metric of the performance, in order to know where we can improve. They help us know which pages are getting less and less, and more people to visit, as well as an understanding of the place of origin of these lines.

Name Provider Model Category Expires in
_gid [] First Party Performance 1 day
_ga [] First Party Performance 2 years ago

5.3 – How to prevent these Cookies?

You can also click on 'help' within the settings of the web browser that you use, to see how to stop the decline cookies, you may well like to be notified when you receive a new cookie, to disable it, you have no, view, validity, etc.
- Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | Safari | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge | Opera

5.4 – More information

Nós da [Masterix] esperamos que todas as informações trazidas até aqui, tenham deixado tudo sobre os cookies claros. Mas caso persista alguma dúvida sobre a necessidade ou não de utilizar algum cookie, nossa recomendação é para que deixe-o ativo. O Google utiliza cookie e/ou indicadores exclusivos de cada dispositivo, somando com dados do usuário, para lhe mostrar anúncios personalizados, mostrando o que seria mais interessante para cada usuário do [].

Always remember that you, the user may review the enabling or disabling of cookies at any given time. For more information about this, simply visit the DAA Webchoices Browser Check, and the NAI Opt-Out of Interest-Based Advertising.

5.4.1 - Cookie Google's DoubleClick, the DART

O Google é um provedor terceirizado em nosso site. Ele também utiliza cookies, estes são conhecidos como DART. Eles servem principalmente para veicular anúncios aos visitantes de nosso site com base em suas visitas a [] e outros sites hospedados na Internet. No entanto, reforçamos que os visitantes podem desativar o uso de cookies DART visitando a política de privacidade da rede de conteúdo e anúncios do Google no seguinte URL -

5.5 - Pixels:

They are codes, Javascript that are installed directly on the platform, with the aim of collecting information on the user behavior, the identification of patterns of access to, the interests, and the products were bought, navigation, targeting, product, and more.

5.6 - Analytics tools:

This is the technology that allows it to be carried to the collection of information about the manner in which all users ' activity on our platform, the pages you have visited, and the date, navigate to previous, etc.

5.7 - Web beacons:

This technology also allows for the mapping of the public in the pages of a web, in order to identify with certain behaviors of the users on the site servers and on the web.

6 – Third-party Ads

The Masterix to use the service of the third-party advertising such as Google AdSense, Google AdSense, Google's Ad Exchange (AdX), among other...., in order to serve this advertising, we may use a DoubleClick cookie to serve more relevant ads across the Web and limit the number of times that a given ad is shown to you.

For more information regarding these advertisements, please refer to the official web sites on, and to their own privacy policies.

7 - Rights of the holder of the personal data we collect

In accordance with the legislation currently in force, and the Masterix makes it a priority to ensure that all users have the following rights:

the confirmation of the existence of the processing;

access to the data;

correctness of the data is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date;

anonymization, blocking or deletion of the data is unnecessary, unreasonable, or treated in a non-compliant with the provisions of this Act;

the portability of your data to another service provider (isp) or your product, send your request is expressed, in accordance with the regulations of the national authorities, subject to the secrets of trade and industry

the deletion of the personal data is processed only with the consent of the owner;

the information of the public and the private sector to which the controller is carried out using the shared data;

information about the possibility of providing consent, and to examine the impact of the negative,

the revocation of consent.

They may also be required, at any time, you can contact us through one of our contact information is available in section 11 of this Privacy Policy. All requests will be handled in a manner free of charge and you will be taken through analysis of its identity, and the feasibility of the request.

8 - Children and adolescents

In our platform, it is not intended for persons under 18 years of age. It must be used by adults.

The site Masterix do not collect any information from children and adolescents, and therefore, they should not have to report to and use of the platform. In case it is detected at the collection of personal data of minors, we will be doing for the deletion of data in accordance with the law.

9 – Retention and deletion of personal information that we collect

We keep the collected data for the period of time that is required to be completed for the purposes for which they are processed, or for the period necessary to fulfill the requirements of the retention required by law.

This is the time in which it is to be made for the retention of the personal data we collect depends on the purpose for which it is collected and used in accordance with the laws in force.

Upon request, we will delete your personal data in a proper manner, without identifying it, except in cases where it is legally permissible to do so, or are required to be maintained, and that these obligations are legal, tax, auditing, general ledger, among others.

10 – Changes to our Privacy Policy

We are always seeking the best for our customers and clients, and patients, and for this reason, if any, Masterix you can change in this Privacy Policy.

But we, we are committed to transparent, so we'll make an announcement, visible, and is appropriate when there is a change in policy, or by e-mail or through any other media of similar or not.

11 – Contact Us

You can talk to the person in charge of the processing of your data by, or in the e-mail address: [email protected] or by our contact us page if you have any questions, or need, contact our team.

É importante estar atento (a) e verificar se esta Política de Privacidade é a mais atualizada ao navegar pela nossa plataforma.

It is our pleasure to Masterix respond to all of them.

Last updated: February 10, 2023
